Friday, May 13, 2011

Questions Abound

So was your husband part of the team that killed Osama?
No idea

Does he know the guy that shot Bin Laden? Do other SEALs look at the shooter as a hero?
No idea, and I don't think so. Whoever shot him was just doing his job.

What was the REAL reason as to why the helicopter went down?
I only know as much as what's on the news.

Is your husband jealous that he didn't get to be that one that shot him?
Trick question =D

I'm sure that all of these questions and increased interest will soon fade, but I do like reading most of the articles that talk about the teams and the appreciation shown throughout the country. Although my husband hasn't paid much attention to it all, I know that deep down he sincerely appreciates the recognition. The other good thing about all of this exposure is that this will undoubtedly increase interest in joining the teams. There might be a very few of them now, but I am sure that there are plenty of men out there that are capable of becoming Navy SEALs.

Someone did ask me if I was a bit scared of retribution. The truth is that most Navy SEALs are very private and do not like talking about their job outside the base; the ones that do flaunt are usually fakes, so if anything, it is the fakes that should be watching their backs.

♫ My Husband's Back & I'm Already in Trouble ♫

It's been about two weeks since my husband came back home from a 4-month long training. In previous trips, I go all out trying to have the house, the dogs, the cars and motorcycles, and especially myself in tip-top shape. Except for the dogs whom I bathe right before he arrived, the rest was a mess.

My job was in fire-drill mode during that week and the previous one, and to top it off, I was asked to go to another city to work during my husband's first weekend at home. I also had other commitments... I tend to over-stretch myself. Because of this, I was feeling like poop and so my mind started to find a work around, hum, let's see:

My husband is a clean freak. He just notices the mess faster, does the work faster, and never complains or resents me for it. ----> Reasoning for the house being messy upon his arrival: Honey, I wanted you to feel at home by doing the things you would normally do here.

Fixing and modifying the vehicles, repolishing the already polished rims of our sportscar and looking for ways to improve them is a hobby of his. -----> Reasoning for the vehicles needing a wash: In case you were bored during your time off after your arrival, ta da!

When I look crappy, he always seems to tell me how pretty I look. -----> Reasoning for me being a mess: I look crappy, hence pretty. You're welcome ;-)

Eventhough my husband smiled due to my childish remarks, shook his head and gave me a kiss on the forehead, I knew I was in trouble... yep, in trouble with myself. The fact is that the house, and everything else is my responsibility when he is not around and I never want him to worry about this when he is deployed or trying to focus while in training.

My husband loves everything about me (or so he makes me feel) and never complains, which makes me want to show him my appreciation every time I have a chance. This time around, I just had to pick another way.

I got him an amazing coffee machine and the full season one of Spartacus - and yes, there might have been more to this.

I am very lucky to have such an amazing man in my life.

Monday, May 2, 2011

A quick Thank You...

Good job US Navy SEALs, JSOC and CIA! We all know that this is just one of the many milestones accomplished out of the many more still pending, but it is still greatly appreciated.

As someone married to a US Navy SEAL, I have been somewhat privy to the increased collaboration between these two groups and I'm glad that the American public can be told of one of their many accomplishments usually kept under wraps.

As an independent, I take complete satisfaction of his death and I credit Obama, Bush, the CIA and the military for a job well done.

As an American, the satisfaction that Osama was shot and killed by American soldiers, not a drone, illness or bomb, truly warms my heart.