Sunday, September 2, 2012

Moving On

It's been a while since I last wrote about the ending of my marriage - The sad reality and the bright optimism I shared about where I was at, and where I saw myself going. First, I'll start with an update and a few responses to the comments I received.

Thank you so much for your words of encouragement, for sharing your stories with me, for reading my blog, caring for what I shared and pushing me to write more. I am still in awe about the comments from my NY readers. It is still hard to believe that due to my blog, they were able to find out that their boyfriend was the same guy. I am glad that they both now know the truth and I'm grateful to Nicole for updating me on how this all went down. I'm just grateful that I was able to help somehow, that you followed my blog and that you placed comments. Knowing that someone has found my blog helpful or entertaining is a great feeling.

Where am I now? My soon-to-be ex-husband (STBEH) is still deployed, so although I still live in "our" house (didn't make sense moving out while he is gone), I definitely do not live with him, I haven't gotten back with him or have even entertained the idea. We have kept in touch as we still have things to do together, mainly, our divorce. We both hope that eventually we can re-connect as friends.

I do have big updates about him: He is doing very well now, recently re-enlisted for another 4 years and got a promotion! I really am very proud of him. In the last few months, he has had to go through some other tough situations at work. A friend's SEAL husband recently died from a helicopter crash. She is also in the service (supports the teams) and had recently gotten married to the SEAL that died. Another friend of my STBEH got maimed from stepping on a land mine. Thankfully he has stayed strong and have been doing a great job leading his group.

Now when it comes to my emotional place, I am happier than I have been in more than a year. My divorce is not the only life changing decision I have made this year. A few months ago I was told that my job will be moving to San Antonio, Texas. I have lived in the same 100-mile area my whole life and as much as I love this place, I decided to take on a new adventure and continue my career in San Antonio.

When am I moving? Very soon! I already found an adorable place close to downtown. A nice historical home. My doggies are going to love the place, I'm sure. Many of my friends have also moved to San Antonio, so it is nice that I won't be all 'alone' in a new city. I have been traveling there frequently and even though it will never offer me the same things my hometown does, I am sure I will adapt to it and go from liking it to loving it. I will miss my family and friends, but thankfully they are only a short flight away and will get to see them when I fly back for work or for fun.

Why did I stop writing for a while? Every day I feel more disconnected to what this blog was all about. I no longer consider myself a Navy SEAL wife. I shouldn't be for long. However, I will not stop writing. I wish I could add a link to my new blog, but that can ruin the anonymity that I need to keep for my STBEH's sake. Aside from starting a separate blog, I have decided to start writing a book. Not sure what the book will be about, but I already have some ideas.

I may still write a few more posts here as well. There's a lot more than I got to learn and experience during my marriage to a Navy SEAL and if I think someone may benefit from reading them, then why not? If there is something that you'd like me to write about or have any questions, please feel free to comment and I'll get it to it as soon as I can.

And last, but not least:
Thank you for being my therapist and friend.


  1. good luck in your next chapter in life!! ;-)

  2. Follower here...

    Thanks for the update! I always check in every few weeks to see if you have updated. :)

    While I am sorry to hear about your pending divorce, I am so happy and excited for you to hear about your upcoming move to San antonio! It will be good for you to start new somewhere.

    I hope to be able to follow you somehow.

    Good luck with everything and please let us know how to divorce and move come along!

  3. Whoa! That's so crazy your blog helped those 2 girls find out they were seeing the same man!
    I'm glad you're doing well & a book is totally a great idea for you ;) good luck! Jo

  4. So sorry to hear about your marriage.. I find it very difficult being married to my SEAL...he has been out for a long time but served for eight years. I know quite a few of his buddies and most are single. Actually never met another SEAL wife...except at the east coast reunions... We've been married for 24 years. Trying to be the perfect wife all the time is hard, especially for me, cuz when we met he liked the fact that I also was adventurous, but now I am supposed to be June Cleaver, which I will never be it!

  5. It is OK there are stronger women than you who will take care of the Frog. We only need strong women,not frog hogs!

  6. Wow, frog hogs? How extremely cold and heartless of you. It's truly sad some people don't know how to behave.
