Monday, October 21, 2013

"Oh man, I think I'm going to marry this guy"

That's what I said after our first date.

(Author's note: Be warned - I am writing a long ass post. Not much time for editing now).

Four days earlier, I was at a farewell party for one on my best friends. She was about to start a study-abroad program in Argentina. Funny thing - that farewell party would have been mine as well if it wasn't for some paperwork snafu that prevented me from joining my friend... and most possibly from breaking my neck at one of her many tree climbing outings over there. Nope, no monkeying around for me, instead I had a date lined up for me the very next day.

Work was stressful that Friday, unlike the usual "Quasi-work-until-2p-and-then-read-some-gossip" Fridays from back then (I do long for those days sometimes). I got home, put on my alarm to prep for my date at 8p and passed out. Three hours later I wake up. I looked at my phone, it's on silent, I see I have missed calls and that it was half past 9pm! Shit, shit, shit! I panicked my way into the bathroom and answered a call from my friend J.

Him: Where you at?! Get your ass over here and do something 'cause we are all bored.
Me: What the hell are you talking about? ... and I am almost 2 hours late for my date.
Him: With who? That jerk who finagled a Hail Mary dinner date with you after being a JERK?!
Me: Hum, good point [Promptly removing the one high heel pump I managed to put on while on my hurried trek to the bathroom]. Where at?
Him: Where else on a Friday night? See you in 10?
Me: Fine. I look like shit though, so we are sticking to the dive bar theme.
Him: Oh, you are fine. See you soon.

I then called my date and told him that I am just really not interested anymore, but sorry that I didn't call earlier (I was sorry, even if he was a jerk). To give you an idea of how much of a jerk he was: one night after I decided to stop seeing him, I melodramatically looked up at the sky and said out loud "Fine, a nun it is!"

Sporting an orange top (never wore it again), blue jeans and my bed head, I head over to the dive bar. More like a grill-your-own-steak, dark old wood, red leather chairs, old but loud jukebox, strong drinks and funky smell kind of a place. I get there and I see about 10 people hanging out by the jukebox, 6 of them are my friends, and I just quickly smiled at the rest. Well, as J said, they all looked bored. I felt a strong responsibility to liven my friends' spirits and what else is best, but my favorite spirit - single malt scotch. I used to have an impressive alcohol tolerance, which is the politically correct term for being a drunk without getting drunk.

Naturally, I told J and J that if I drank both their freshly poured fancy fruity drinks one after another, only stopping once to start drinking the second glass, they would both drink three fingers of my preferred beverage in a matter of a minute. A deal was struck, and 10 seconds later, the entire group were cheering and faking puking noises as both of my friends struggled to drink their scotch (In our twenties, give us a break). Funny note, J and J eventually became scotch connoisseurs by the way - and I had plenty to do with it, ha. Anyway, I wasn't intentionally trying to get them drunk, but I knew that the adrenaline coupled with a few Prince classics from the jukebox was going to get us all in the right mood. I was also proudly at my goofiest, so I had that going for me, which is nice.

Back to the purpose of this blog - will try to keep the commentary short:

A trip to the second bar later, I notice that one of those 4 people hanging out with us is someone I do know, although not very well. She comes over with a man, an attractive one I quickly gather (although the thought was more like "Uh, hot!, but ignore, they're probably together"). She says hi and introduces me to her ex's roommate, FH (stands for my Future Husband). She then goes on to say that she wishes she would've introduced us earlier as we both have lots in common, and she thinks that we would make a great couple. Yeah, she said that to our faces.

She started to make sense as she, without pause, started to list compatibilities we shared: love for muscle cars, heavy metal music, off-roading, art museums and long walks on the beach. OK, I just inserted the last one right now, but who doesn't love long walks on the beach, right? We talked about everything and anything as we continued on to the after 2am hookah bar. A few guys joined the group and were trying to talk to me too. Pretty girls that don't pay special attention to men usually tend to turn hotter and sexier to them... or so I've gathered. I was paying attention to FH, but not in a flirty way. After the jerk I had recently dated, I was not about to try to put on my best face here. I thought that if this guy really liked me, then he should know me like my friends do, and he better work for it.

As my guy friends, him and I started walking to our trucks, I made it a point to stay close to my friends. If he wanted my number, he would've asked me already or he should then ask me in front of them. If he would've gotten my number through a friend, I would have promptly ignored his call. I wasn't taking any prisoners (Hum, I don't think I used that expression correctly, oh well). As we neared my truck, he showed me that he had no fear of being turned down in front of people. He asked me if I would go on a date with him and to give him my phone number. My friends looked at him awkwardly. I smiled, said my number and got in my truck.

"If he doesn't call me until after three days, like the supposed "rule" people talk about, I am not going to answer his call. That rule is stupid," I said to my friend M the next morning. Well, a few minutes later he calls me. He asked me to meet him in Coronado on Sunday at 6pm, and I said "OK, I'll see you at the Ferry Landing." No more doubts - he is a man that goes out for what he wants. I looked at M and smiled, "M, I've a feeling we are not in douchebag-dating-world, I mean Kansas, anymore." I know, not so funny now, but was hilarious at the time. You had to be there.

Wake up Sunday and I look effortlessly beautiful - I love those days. By 6pm I was sitting by the sand. Perfect weather, kids running around, puppies playing next to me and there's happy people all around. I see him walk towards me. He looks so handsome with that huge smile on his face, a white crisp oxford shirt and tan short trousers.

We talked, walked around, had food, ice cream and I showed him my favorite gallery. We admired these three Koi fish acrylics by Terry Gilecki for a while. There was something very special about them*. We got to see the sunset sky while sharing stories of each other's past and our plans for the future. Yes, some of those "Don't ask until a-few-months-of-dating" questions. FH mentioned (OK, I asked him) that he wasn't really planning to get married until he was in his mid thirties**. That would be OK in my book, except that he thought that getting married meant having kids right away. I remember telling him that I would like to be married for a while before even thinking about having kids. We then talked about our careers (he just said he worked for the Navy) and places we would love to visit. Back to more normal date talk, ha.

Heavy topics aside, time was flying by. We were enjoying our silent moments just as much as the rest. As the night fell, a huge full moon by the Coronado bridge decided to join us. The night couldn't be any better, or so I thought. Impressive fire works started right across the bay and I looked at him and I remember saying "Can you believe this night?"

We started walking towards my truck when we see a group of people sitting down in front of this small stage. We got curious and stopped for a bit. Next we know, Hawaiian Hula dancers come to the stage and start dancing. Followed by a fire poi dance, of course. I thanked him for setting all of that up for our date - we laughed about it. We spoke about how at the end, the perfect weather, full moon, fireworks, puppies, and fire balls aside, we truly enjoyed spending time with each other. We hugged for a few seconds as we subtlety breathed deeply. I couldn't stop smiling. He kissed me on the cheek, looked at me with a huge smile and I waved goodbye.

As I was driving over the bridge, my friend M called***. She asked "So, how did it go?!", I said "Oh man, I think I'm going to marry this guy."

Four months later, I did.

* He went two days later and bought the three paintings.
** Ha, last I checked he was NOT in his mid thirties when we got married - four months after this date. He is still not in his mid thirties.
*** Bluetooth!, I am usually a responsible driver.


Dear Reader: I recommend reading my blog from the beginning as life for me has changed plenty (unlike this post, the rest are in chronological order), and you may be interested more on my initial posts.


  1. Hey I'm in a similar situation :) and I can't seem to find any recent blogs about dating/marriage to a NSW guy! So I'm so happy to find yours! I'd love to chat with you if at all possible as I have no idea what I'm getting myself into :P and my guy just moved to my town so he doesn't really have friends with ladies here I can talk to about this. No to mention I've met my fair share of navy wives and I don't get along with most of them :/ I know you'll probably want to stay anon. And that's fine with me :) if you could email
    That would be amazing! Thank you :)

    1. Hi anonymous, sorry I didn't get back to you when I read your comment last year. I'll email you soon, maybe you are still using that address. Otherwise, please comment back. It is best if you write your questions here as it may be helpful to others to hear your story.

    2. Hi!

      I'm currently engaged to a man beginning his training as a Navy Seal and Have lots of questions!

    3. Hello to both of you!

      I am new to this community, dating a Navy guy who is about to begin SEAL training in the next year. I have been doing quite a bit research and reading to understand this lifestyle and exactly what I am getting myself into (I say that jokingly, I am pretty committed already). So any advice or things I should know from either of you have would be MUCH appreciated! :)

  2. Hi, I just first wanted to let you know how truly great it is to meet a familiar face. We have not met before, however I've been following your blog for quite some time (far before you even posted about infidelity) and your writings make me feel not so alone. Please know there are people you don't even know that exist who see this, who care about you, and understand on some level what you are going through/have been through.
    I'm just getting out of a relationship with a team guy. 3 years. A part of me feels very blessed because we did not get married and we did not have kids, but it is so incredibly painful (more so than average breakups of my past). You stick with someone through their schools, their deployments, their infidelity, their injuries...and few people I have met understand what that's like. It didn't sound like this from your story, but I am also healing from the extreme narcissism that he had. It has been a very humbling experience, to say the least. Leaving was my choice, and it did not have to do with his career but rather my requirement of being in a monogamous relationship, if I am going to be in a relationship.

    Would you mind emailing me? I would really love to talk with you more, and hear how you have moved on from this. I also have a personal question for you. I made up a fake email where you can email me, and I will give you my personal address.
    Maybe we can be friends :) Hope to hear from you soon.

    1. Hi Anonymous, I am sorry to hear about your relationship, but it sounds like you are satisfied with your decision to move on. We do have many similarities in our stories! I'm very glad that my blog was helpful to you in some way. I love that you mentioned that it made you feel not so alone because that's exactly what your comment, and those of others did and still do for me. So thank you, very much. About getting in touch, you may no longer have that email address, but I'll give it a shot.

  3. Hi there! I just wanted to say, I randomly stumbled upon your page while browsing the internet at work, trying to keep myself awake (I work night shift blaahh). I don't even know how I found your page, except I read this post, and was so fascinated by your writing that I went back and read all your posts! I sound like a creeper, but I truly did enjoy your blog, and with all your ups and downs, I felt like I was feeling them with you. Granted, I've never married nor dated anyone in the military, so I do not have the slightest clue the hardships you and others like you have gone through. But I do understand the lighthearted feelings of hope and happiness that regrettably turn sour and dark through betrayal and dishonesty. It's the absolute worse "knife in the heart" feeling and unfortunately, it's something we all must experience at least once in life to truly feel pain. So I thank you for being strong, not just as a ex-SEAL wife, but as a woman and person who is tough and relentless, and writes awesome blogs that help others cope in their relationships too. Instead of staying with something because it was comfortable or what not, you decided to do what is best for you and move on. That's a very hard decision. It's scary to take risks like that. But I'm glad you seem happier now. I don't know you, and you don't know me, but I really do hope the best for you in all your endeavors. And please keep writing in this blog, because you're pretty darn funny and insightful :-)

    1. Hi Sandra, thank you very much for your kind words and very engaging comment. I'm glad that this blog, as small as it may be, has been for many very entertaining and in some cases helpful. And no, you don't sounds like a creeper! I am the same way when I like what I'm reading. I've actually spent an entire weekend reading a book and only taking breaks for short trips to the kitchen, bathroom and back to bed.

      I've been having a hard time making myself start another blog. I've tried a few times, but I like it here. Your comment made me realize that, and so I've decided: I will continue to write on this blog even if it doesn't have to do with being the wife of a Navy SEAL anymore. I'll figure something out for those visiting my blog only for that purpose... Ok, no I'm just thinking out loud here!

      Back to your comment: Thanks again and I also wish you the best! I hope you occasionally check out my blog for new posts.

  4. I do wonder... can any Navy SEAL fall in love? It almost seems like they have to pick a wife who makes a better team mate based on function and endurance alone, rather than a lover.

    1. Why not both. Sometimes they need as a lover and sometimes they need you as a teammate that's what a wife is for.

  5. I guess I'm in somewhat same situation I'm only dating this man who is planning to score high in the naval rank (seals). And I decided I love him enough to be committed and supportive for him. Yet it's not anything like marriage but getting married was mentioned by him more than once and although time will tell, marrying him I something I would love. And the seal thing as hard as it sounds I think I'm for it.

  6. Please tell me you are still doing this blog! You've inspired me and I love women with strength and character! I am so wanting to know what happens in the next part of your life and if you can actually have a friendship with your ex. I know it is possible. Good luck and happy New Year!

  7. Really happy I found this blog. As a new Navy SEAL girlfriend, I'm going through the PST's, Basic, BUDS and everything intbetween and afterwards. It's so hard to find others who understand. Appreciate and love the blog.

  8. What's the latest on your journey? Not may spec ops wives blog. There's so much more to tell. Check out my post about being married to a marine raider

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Hi, I have some questions as well as advice in being the wife/girlfriend of a SEAL. Could you please email me at Thank you!

  11. My name is Brooklyn Bagwell and I'm a Casting Director at Sharp Entertainment. I am reaching out because I’m working on a new docu-series about Military Wives or Girlfriends, ideally Navy Seals! We're looking to explore the lives and sisterhood within this circle of women. I would love to chat with you more about the project. I’m hoping you may be interested in participating or lead me in the right direction. Please email me so we can chat more about it! My email is

    Brooklyn Bagwell
